Campaign Setup Best Practices

When buying through the most advanced advertising platforms we have some best practices to share.  These are sophisticated platforms with various tools to help you maximize your ROI.  We recommend 3 key areas to help you kick off your campaign set up:

Breakout Campaigns by Channel

If you are taking advantage of running an omni-channel marketing initiative, we suggest breaking out the various channels, also known as media types into their own separate campaigns. This approach will help keep your KPIs in order, streamline campaign setups, and produce reporting that’s easy to analyze. By implementing the Frequency Groups feature, you can implement an overarching frequency cap across the entire Advertiser. Which will ensure that running multiple campaigns at the same time will not result in oversaturation.


Utilize Cost-Based KPI Metrics

Whenever possible we recommend utilizing cost-based KPI metrics such as CPA or CPC over rate-based KPI metrics such as CVR or CTR. When optimizing towards cost-based metrics, you increase the likelihood of the following performance improvements:

  1. Increased amount of desired events (clicks/conversions)
  2. Lowered partner costs (CPM)

Optimizing toward cost-based metrics reinforces the key programmatic concept of paying the right price for every impression based upon the specific attributes of the impression being served.


Use Fluid Budgets and Auto-Allocator

Advertisers and agencies often divide up campaign budgets across various strategies/ad groups based on what they think will work prior to campaign launch. This approach often results in operators having to manually shift budgets back and forth once the campaign is live. Rather than trying to keep up with this repetitive and tedious workflow, we recommend setting up your campaigns with fluid budgets (making every ad group budget match the campaign’s overall budget) and utilizing AutoAllocator. AutoAllocator activates machine intelligence to direct your budget to better-performing ad groups first. It then allocates the remaining budget to lower-performing groups, allowing you to pace to your campaign’s daily budget target while prioritizing your budget where it matters most.