Identity and First Party Data Strategies: Adapting to Data Privacy Changes

May 23, 2024by Ventura Growth0
Welcome to the first post in our ‘Scaling New Peaks in Programmatic: Basecamp 2024’ series, focusing on identity and first-party data strategies in the era of data privacy. Hosted by Ventura Growth and The Trade Desk, this four-part series dives into essential strategies and discussions from our recent event, Basecamp 2024.


In our opening session, Jaime Nash, Director of Product Marketing and Identity SME at The Trade Desk, outlined the transformative approaches to identity resolution and first-party data strategies amidst the deprecation of third-party cookies. Here are the pivotal insights shared.


UID 2.0: The New Standard in Identity

The advertising industry is in the midst of a seismic shift, and Jaime Nash addressed it head-on. With the deprecation of third-party cookies looming, she emphasized the importance of a transparent and deterministic identifier. Enter Unified ID 2.0 (UID 2.0).
UID 2.0 is revolutionary in its simplicity: a single, clear identifier derived from an email address or phone number. This simplicity is its power. Unlike other identifiers, it is fully deterministic and transparent, providing clarity for both publishers and advertisers. It’s not shrouded in mystery like some third-party cookies or other IDs that contain a hodgepodge of data.
Moreover, UID 2.0 is built for the future, leveraging a cross-device graph that ensures advertisers can reach their audience across channels, devices, and publishers with precision. Jaime put it plainly: “The Trade Desk is not third-party cookie dependent. We don’t care about it. It can sunset tomorrow, and nothing will change on the platform.”


Enhanced UID Pixel: Real-Time Retargeting Redefined

Jaime’s next focus was on the newly launched Enhanced UID Pixel, which takes retargeting to a new level. The pixel can capture CRM data directly from a brand’s website, generate a UID 2.0 token in real time, and store it in the data layer of the user’s browser. This allows advertisers to retarget these users with deterministic signals for up to 120 days.
This isn’t about achieving 100% audience coverage, but rather using deterministic signals to model ideal audiences and significantly improve retargeting accuracy. As Jaime succinctly put it, “It’s not about having 100% coverage of your ideal target audience with enough data—that’s impossible.”
The new pixel can also help brands understand their data fidelity. By analyzing active ID counts, unique people, and unique households, marketers can grasp the real reach of their first-party data and tailor their audience strategies accordingly.


The Trade Desk’s Identity Foundation: Built for the Cookieless Future

Nash underscored that UID 2.0 is only one part of The Trade Desk’s Identity Foundation. The other pillars are:
  • Cross-Device Graph: Enhanced and durable, it bridges gaps across devices and channels.
  • Access to Diverse Data Signals: The platform’s wide data ecosystem supports deeper audience insights.
Together, these pillars minimize disruption as the industry transitions to a world without third-party cookies. The Trade Desk has built a framework that will stand the test of time, enabling advertisers to continue leveraging their data strategically.
“We’ve built a foundation off of three things: UID 2.0, our cross-device graph, and access to the widest breadth of data and signals,” Jaime explained. “It’s these three things that are going to maintain all of your typical use cases of identity and first-party data in The Trade Desk platform.”


Actionable Takeaways: Building a Future-Proof Identity Strategy

Jaime left the audience with a clear roadmap for building an effective identity strategy:
  1. Evaluate Your First-Party Data Fidelity:
    • Start by auditing your existing first-party data to identify unique users and households. Does your active ID count align with your assumptions about your audience?
  2. Leverage the Cross-Device Graph
    • Understand how UID 2.0 and the cross-device graph can enhance your targeting across devices and uncover gaps in your current strategy.
  3. Future-Proof Retargeting with the Enhanced UID Pixel
    • Implement the new pixel to improve retargeting strategies with deterministic signals and enrich your audience modeling efforts.
  4. Use Audience Modeling with KoKai
    • Take advantage of KoKai’s advanced modeling features to test seed audiences and ensure segment durability.


Jaime Nash’s presentation provided a comprehensive guide for brands and agencies to navigate the evolving landscape of identity and first-party data strategies. With The Trade Desk’s UID 2.0, enhanced pixel, and cross-device graph, marketers can minimize disruption and maximize the impact of their advertising campaigns.
Stay tuned for the next post in our Basecamp 2024 series, where we’ll explore how retail media is shaping the data-driven advertising landscape.

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