Recession Proofing Your Programmatic Activation

February 21, 2023by Martin Skotnicki

You’ve read articles about the importance of your brand remaining in market through a recession.  But what should you keep in market?  Here are questions you ought to ask yourself: 


  • How has your consumer behavior changed given the financial impacts of today? Perhaps your customer profile has shifted.  Taking a look at your first party data via The Trade Desk’s Audience Insights tool could help you determine these shifts across content interests, channels engaged with, and devices where consumption is occurring.  You may find that your users used to be on mobile devices but are now at home and spending more time streaming on CTV.     


  • How do your business objectives align and how are you tracking them?  By using one platform for full funnel activation you gain understanding into the efficiency of your marketing dollars across awareness, consideration and conversion.  This holistic picture will aid in decisioning to deliver the most efficient reach to the right audience in the right channel.  


  • Does your creative resonate with your audience?  By leveraging programmatic you can A/B test creative messaging with minimal test budgets as low as $500.  Understanding what works before making sizable investments is money well spent. 


The above questions share an underlying theme of data-driven decisioning to make smart and financially economical choices for your programmatic activation.  Now more than ever, you need to leverage media budgets as effectively as possible.  Reach out to the Ventura Team to discuss recession proof strategies or any other programmatic topics on your mind.  We look forward to hearing from you.