What to Look for in a DSP Partner

January 11, 2023by Samantha Yee

So, you’ve been tasked with selecting your DSP partner, the one within which you’ll run all of your programmatic media. Where do you begin and how do you decide who to select? Below are a few helpful tips on how to select the right DSP partner for you and your team’s needs:



You want to make sure that you understand how to work within the platform-of-choice. Scheduling demos with all potential DSP partners will help you determine who has the technology that meets your team’s needs. Can your strategies be seamlessly activated? Does the DSP have all the ‘bells and whistles’ you need to make a case with your client? Can you activate more than one channel, if your plan requires it, without having to use an outside vendor? Having a full understanding of how to work within the platform is key to making the most out of your media dollars.



Additionally, are they transparent with how their revenue models work? Do you understand the fees you’re paying? Are they made abundantly clear where you can find them? The more you know about where your media dollars are going, the better you can explain what is happening to your end client. More often than not, your actual budget and working media dollars differ based on the fees paid within the platform, and it’s important to know how to find out what those are.


Levels of Service

Ideally, if and when you need help, your account team is there to provide answers, or to help point you in the right direction of where those answers may be found. Good account teams learn your strengths and weaknesses, and tailor their communications to make sure you feel supported and empowered in their platform. They continuously teach and are a resource for you whenever you may need them. Their ultimate goal is for you to be able to ‘stand up’ in the platform on your own, and they will be there every step of the way, if you were to ‘fall’. Interview your account team and make sure they are able to provide you the service that you want and need.


This Gartner study is a great starting point to reference when starting to make your decision. Ultimately, it is up to you to choose the DSP partner that is right for you. Please reach out to Ventura Growth with any DSP partnership questions you may have!